
I am a research fellow in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School. I am currently supported by a NIH T32 training grant in bioinformatics applied to diabetes, obesity, and metabolism led by Dr. Jose Florez and Dr. Chirag Patel. I am advised by Dr. Chirag Patel and Dr. James Meigs. I received my Ph.D. in mathematics at North Carolina State University under the advisorship of Amassa Fauntleroy. After my graduate studies, I spent time in industry as a data scientist at a big data consulting firm Zaloni, Inc. and a financial app startup HelloWallet.

Research Interests:

My current research interests can broadly described as trying to systematically understand the genetic and environmental contributions of disease. I utilize tools from statistical genetics, geospatial analytics, clinical informatics, and machine learning to try to answer these questions related to this topic. Two recent projects include:

  1. Repurposing health care claims to study the environmental and genetic contributions of disease among family members.

  2. Aggregating publicly available environmental data sets in order to study geographic variation of disease.

Recently, I have been investigating methods to tease apart environmental and genetic contributions to disease using biobank data.